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Curse of Uni

Well here I am early 2017, graduated 6 months ago...

I Like to say that my degree has worked a lot for me, but it is such a competitive world out there, or here I should say.

Current sate:

- Moved back to Brighton.

- Working as a sales assistant for an independent store.

- Interning for free for a Menswear brand in London.

I literally had to scrape myself away from Newport (Where I went to uni). But Im so glad I did, It was a one step backwards 2 step forwards decision. It took every inch of my pride to move back home, whilst all my friends were still in Uni or moved out cos they never went.

Ive never done things the easy way round because wheres the fun in that? and partly because I can never find it. Sometimes I wonder where i get my motivation from and how I just keep smiling haha. It is cos.. as cheesy as it sounds.. I love to learn, Love to start from the bottom. And delay being a sell out as much as possible.

Pro Independent, Pro Hard work

All in all, I am happy where I am at the moment.

Brighton is the best City, specially working in the Northlaines a dream Ive always had, cos you know, you ain't a brighton-nian unless you worked in the Northlaines

Working for free and travelling to London has made me realised that Fashion ain't a joke at all to me.

My main jist really is, theres nothing wrong with moving back home... and people really only show the best part of their lives. Just look at my Instagram.

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